Todo es económico, no me jodan. Y después me acusan de economicista.
Tanto tiempo pensando que "después de mi, el diluvio" era una frase política me entero que su origen es económico:
Mirabeau applied the phrase to... government borrowing and, more particularly, to the practice of using life annuities to fund the costs of government debt. Life annuities, he wrote, were the quintessence of what he called "that misanthropic sentiment [ce sentiment ennemi] après moi me deluge."... [T]hey were a way of drawing bills on posterity. Like all forms of public credit... consumed wealth before it was produced... leaving a state... having to face the future without the accumulted assets... to maintain its long- term domestic prosperity and external security... could... destroy... "civilization."
Lo del título
Es que los demás no se dan cuenta, pero... una vez que se empieza con la economía, uno se da cuenta de que todo es económico, siempre hay alguna forma de analizar cualquier evento desde la economia.